ACCOUNTANCY | Limited company

ACCOUNTANCY | Limited company

There are two types of a limited company; ‘limited by shares’ (usually businesses that make a profit) or ‘limited by guarantee’ (usually not for profit). Running a limited company is more complicated than self-employment and requires knowledge and experience.

The main company responsibilities include:

  • registration and submission of annual reports to Companies House (Confirmation Statement)
  • registration and submission of annual Tax Returns to HMRC
  • VAT registration if the turnover in the last 12 months exceeds £ 85,000 (if you expect your VAT taxable turnover to be more than £85,000 in the next 30-day period)
  • basic bookkeeping
  • keeping company records and report changes
  • payroll for employees
  • registration for the appropriate pension system
  • pay Corporation Tax

As registered agents, we are authorised to provide direct contact with HMRC on your behalf. We cooperate with clients in our office, by phone, post and by e-mail.



Sara-int Ltd
8 Odeon Parade
480 London Road
London TW7 4RL

Tel: 0208 846 3606